5 Brilliant Ways To Use Another Year

  1. This year I've picked that we're going into another year with bringing new life here to make Gods will be done. I've never really thought of having a family as of yet since no man really held my own attention long until recently. Which made for a way of bringing this young person into what I've chosen to create to the best of my own knowledge, as well as understanding. One of love, true being, caring as well for a little person that was formed in my own womb from a person whom I've loved, was a first love like no other. 
  2.  Making a pledge to join school more for better paying jobs, as well as treatment which is nice to know that well we're currently enrolled to earn a certified program in current health care field to earn more, we've got a BA, degree but jobs are less inclined to follow which is kind of negative yes, but enrolling back into school is not. 
  3.  Finding a committed relationship is another thing that I was into this year being lonely can be extremely depressing to myself which I've witnessed first hand. Cousins were sick, not cleaning, no energy to do anything. After they would turn to drinking to cope. Thankfully I've found a friend in my own baby father who's a kid that lived on my own grandparents street. That means that we've seen, hung out with one another since we were children. 
  4.  Being happy is fun because I get to ask questions to my own parents as well as making them happy is fun to myself. I didn't ever think that their own family including myself would ever expand, but God willed, and when their lives did, we grew as a family. Finally which caused our happiness. This years been fun, and I am grateful for that as well as them.
  5.  Ending old outdated relationships was fun to because some of them had gotten too toxic, and seeing them end, go, become distant, in thought was a blessing, new jobs was fun to find a way to share to give to another place of employment that will be better mentally for myself, and those who employ others who are more friendly to them as well, even if at least just as much.  

By A.S.A., B.A. General Studies 


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